Products of ancient grains for the desire for a modern taste.
The properties of spelt pasta:
- High digestibility - Gluten more digestible than that of wheat.
- Low glycemic index - Promotes a constant energy supply over time.
The benefits of spelt pasta
The consumption of spelt is recommended in slimming diets because it helps to lower cholesterol levels (thanks to niacin) and brings an immediate sense of satiety.
Spelt is an ancient cereal, rich in beneficial properties and fiber: the ideal food to get rid of toxins too. Spelt contains antioxidants such as selenium and phytic acid, as well as Vitamins A, B2 and B3 and phosphorus (100 grams contain 420mg, compared to 330 for wheat), which makes it an excellent cereal for giving you energy against late spring fatigue. Spelt has about 330 calories per 100 grams and a low percentage of fat, rich in antioxidant fiber, protein and B vitamins, which increase resistance to stress.
Spelt pasta: away toxins, up the defenses
Thanks to its insoluble fibers, spelt is useful for those suffering from constipation, but also for those with inflamed intestines. Its action is purifying and energizing, because the body gets rid of toxins. On the table, spelt goes well with legumes, because together they have a "prebiotic" effect: some polysaccharides contained in it favor the growth of lactobacilli bifid, the "good" intestinal bacteria, strengthening the intestinal microbiota and therefore also our defenses.
Spelt Pasta: more protein and low glycemic index
Compared to wheat, spelt has less gluten and more protein, about 15%. In addition, its nutrients are assimilated better and has a rather low glycemic index, which avoids spiking the blood sugar, letting the sugars, dosed in the right quantities, reach the brain and do not turn into spare fat.

Einkorn spelt is considered the oldest known cereal. Its 10 thousand years of history give it some exceptional nutritional properties that characterize it compared to all other types of wheat in existence. Einkorn spelt pasta aims precisely at the future of pasta and at a more genuine and balanced nutrition.
- Short supply chain - Only ancient grains grown on the rolling hills of Siena, grounded and processed on site
- Slow drying at low temperature - It gives us a living product, which keeps its organoleptic properties intact
- Stone milling - The stone milling of the whole grain preserves the germ, the richest and most nutritious part
- Bronze drawing - Gives the right roughness and porosity to better hold condiments